Saturday 20 April 2013

Travel to Thailand For Surrogacy

Surrogacy in Mexico and Thailand

I am developing a distinction of becoming a professional pioneer. First I pioneered medical tourism, then Indian surrogacy for western patients, then gay surrogacy in India, surrogacy in Panama, the first HIV surrogacy, kidney transplants with a global donor exchange, micro insurance, and who knows what else. Now I get to pioneer surrogacy in Mexico and Thailand all while watching surrogacy in India unravel spectacularly.New Life Thailand offers Intended Parents Surrogacy and Egg donors to assist them in achieving their dream of a family Surrogacy in Thailand . Our large database of Caucasian and Asian donors and our generous surrogates enable us and our qualified IVF team to achieve the best results possible. We are located in Bangkok and look forward to welcoming you to our world wide family of new parents.

Surrogacy Law in Thailand

Surrogacy is widely practiced and tolerated by the local government. Currently, there are no laws governing surrogacy arrangements in Thailand, either in terms of prohibiting the practice or allowing it. Although, the Cabinet has approved draft legislation for children born through the use of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), including surrogacy. Therefore, at the moment the laws of surrogacy in Thailand are a Bill of the Law of Surrogacy which had emerged in the year 2007 that has to be resubmitted for further debates and possible approval of the Parliament and His Majesty the King.

Surrogacy in Thailand

There are currently no laws governing surrogacy arrangements in Thailand.
The Australian Embassy understands that the Thai Cabinet has approved draft legislation specifically addressing surrogacy arrangementsClinics in Czech Republic.For further information on the draft law, you may be interested in reading a short article on the Thailand Law Forum website, New Draft Law to Regulate Surrogacy in Thailand.

experience with surrogacy in Thailand??

we are gay couple in USA and we are planning on using our sperm, ED and surrogate to have our own child. since India recently closes the door for gays, we are looking at surrogacy program in Thailand.
anyone have done surrogacy through Thailand currently or in the past. I wonder if you are so kind to share some of your experience through Thai surrogacy program?

 Is your work for surrogacy legal in Thailand?

Currently, there is no legislation prohibiting surrogacy in Thailand.  Our team is composed of lawyers and legal experts, all professionally registered with bar associations in their respective countries.  Our Thai lawyers are able to represent your interests before the Thai courts.  When new legislation comes into effect to regulate surrogacy in Thailand,

Surrogacy in Thailand

Surrogacy is a feasible choice for pairs who wish to achieve their hopes of having a baby if the mate can???t carry their baby because of health reasons. Most insurance enterprises in the States do not offer coverage for surrogacy & there are currently no financial enterprises that offer loans to deserving couples

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